The 20th World Conference on Mobile, Blended and Seamless Learning (mLearn 2021)

Future skills in a mobile digital world

6-7 October 2021

mLearn 2021 will take place in Tallinn University, Estonia

The conference will take place in a fully online mode.

The event will be hosted by IAmLearn (International Association for Mobile learning) and Tallinn University, Estonia. 

mLearn is the leading international conference on mobile and contextual learning and attracts participants annually from more than 60 countries. mLearn 2021 provides a forum for researchers, policymakers, professionals and educators from higher education, school education and vocational education, government departments, industries and international organizations as well as IT developers and solutions providers to share knowledge, research and practices, as well as debate critical issues pertaining to a mobile and connected future learning spaces.

Important dates

  • Submission of abstracts (not compulsory): May 18, 2021
  • Submission of full and short papers, posters and workshop proposals (EXTENDED): June 30, July 28 2021
  • Notification of acceptance: July 20, 2021, August 27
  • Submission of workshop, round table and poster proposals (EXTENDED): August 27, 2021
  • Submission of camera-ready papers (EXTENDED): October 1, 2021
  • Conference dates: October 6 – 7, 2021

What’s New?

The selected best papers of mLearn 2021 conference will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Educational Technology series in the post-conference special issue of International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, the rest of accepted contributions will be included in the open access publication through CEUR-WS series of the post-conference online proceedings.

Conference Theme

The overarching conference theme for mLearn 2021 is “Future skills in a mobile digital world”. 

The conference will fulfil the need for stimulating critical debate on, and research into, theories, approaches, principles, applications and the implementation of mobile, blended and seamless learning.  It will provide an opportunity for professionals and practitioners to share their knowledge, experience and research in the various areas and especially those underpinned by the conference themes. 


Topics of interest for the general track/workshops include, but are not limited to: 

  • Topics related to the UNESCO sustainability goals
  • Teaching computational thinking through mobile learning
  • Future skills and mobile learning
  • The future of mobile learning design and user experience
  • Mobiles in lifelong and informal learning
  • Innovative learning environments
  • Innovations in blended learning 
  • Augmented, virtual, and mixed reality for innovative education 
  • IoT, electronics and robotics for teaching and learning
  • Application of AI in education
  • Serious games, games-based learning, and gamification of learning
  • Bridging the digital divide by going mobile
  • Mobile learning in developing countries
  • Effective learning design and assessment
  • Innovative pedagogy for education
  • Learning management systems and associated technologies 
  • MooCs and innovative online learning
  • Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
  • Digital inclusion and open educational resources (OER)
  • STEM and STEAM in the classroom
  • Teacher and educator development


A global group of keynote speakers will be presenting throughout the conference, including:
Teemu Leinonen, professor in New Media Design and Learning, Aalto University, Finland

Mohammad Khalil, senior researcher at the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology, University of Bergen


Proposal submission options include:

  • Long Papers (8-12 pages) (full paper submission)
  • Short Papers (4-6 pages)
  • Practice Papers (Extended Abstract-Only Submission Template, approx. 1-2 pages + references)
  • Posters (Extended Abstract-Only Submission Template, approx. 1-2 pages + references)
  • Panels/Roundtables (Presentation Submission Template, approx. 1-2 pages)
  • Workshop/Tutorial (Presentation Submission Template, approx. 1-2 pages)

Papers should be formatted in line with IGI Global Author’s guidelines and submitted through EasyChair.


All contributions will be reviewed in a double-blind peer-review process. The selected best papers of mLearn 2021 conference will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Educational Technology series post-conference special issue of International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (indexed by Scopus), the rest of accepted contributions will be included in the open access publication through CEUR-WS series of the conference proceedings.

Long research papers must present completed research results, while short research papers offer the opportunity to present preliminary findings and ongoing research.

Practice papers (such as experience reports, case studies, technical showcases, product/service presentations). Provide the opportunity for the submission of work which centres on an application in an educational setting. This might be research focused, a great idea, or an innovation. Regardless, there will be some evidential information to draw on to demonstrate its impact. 

Accepted panels, roundtables, workshops and tutorials will be presented during the conference via Zoom platform, accompanied by Q&A on Worksup platform. We especially welcome hands-on workshops or ‘a how-to’ tutorial sessions. Presentation details will be included in the conference programme, and posted to the conference website.