NB! Local time in Estonia is used in the agenda below, it belongs to EET time zone (with Helsinki, Athens, Kairo etc), which is +1 hour compared to Central European Time.

Wednesday, 6 October

13:00 Opening of the conference

13:30 Keynote talk. From physical to digital: What is good for children is good for all of us Teemu Leinonen

14:30 Panel discussion: Mobile Learning Pedagogies (Aga Palalas, David Parsons, Stavros A Nikou and Selwyn Rodulfo)

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Session A: Emerging Technologies in Mobile and Blended Learning

  • Invited talk: The story of the MES educational community, told using network analysis and agent-based modeling (Evgeny Patarakin)
  • Towards assessment with automatically generated concept maps (Oleg Shvaikovsky, Priit Reiska and Mart Laanpere) Full paper
  • Digital Media Ethics: Benefits and Challenges in School Education (Torbjörn Ott and Marco Tiozzo) Full paper

22:00 IAmLearn AGM – for members only (9PM in Central Europe, noon in California, 7AM NZ next day)

Thursday, 7 October 

9:00 Keynote talk. Harnessing Learning Analytics with Mobile Learning: Opportunities and Challenges. Mohammad Khalil

10:00 Coffee break

10:30 Session B: Seamless and mobile learning in/with mixed and virtual reality

  • Keynote talk: The Future of Mobile Learning (IAmLearn President David Parsons)
  • Integrating Mobile Mixed Reality to Enhance Learning Before, During and After Physical Field Trips (Kathryn MacCallum and David Parsons) Full paper
  • Exploring virtual reality: A student-centred approach (Neil Cowie and Mehrasa Alizadeh) Short paper
  • Actualizing Affordances of Audiobooks within a University Course (Vladena Bätge Jahn and Koen Lombaerts) Full paper

13:00 Lunch and poster session

14:00 Session C: Mobile learning for adults

  • Considerations of Game Dynamics and Mechanics in College Students’ use of Mobile Games for Learning (Pengiran Shaiffadzillah Pengiran Omarali) Full paper
  • Web-based multiprofessional joint eSimulation between educational institutions in Finland (Johanna Kero, Virpi Salo, Piiku Pakkanen, Sini-Charlotta Kamberg, Krista Toivonen, Päivi Sanerma and Anniina Tohmola) Short paper
  • MirrorMe@work: a theory-informed methodology to support novice teachers’ individual and collective professional development at the workplace (Ellen Rusman and Jeroen Storm) Full paper

15:35 Coffee break

16:00 Session D: Mobile learning pedagogies

  • Evaluating Students’ Experiences of a weekly ‘Hour of Code’: Cookies or Cake? (Marguerite Koole and Kaleigh Elian) Full paper
  • Student Emotion Detection in Teaching Feedback Systems: A Literature Survey (Farshad Farahnakian, Janika Leoste and Fahimeh Farahnakian) Full paper
  • Invited talk: Global Seamless Research Project report (Helga Hambrock)
  • Invited talk: Outdoor mobile learning (Terje Väljataga, Kadri Mettis)

18:00 Wrap up of the conference.

  • Virtual handing over of IAmLearn World Globe and Bottle of wine from 2021 hosts to 2022 hosts
  • Announcement of mLearn 2022 hosts and location